Plant Design Concept
Sewage is proposed to be treated by well documented, established & energy efficient combination of Baffled Anaerobic Reactor & wetland based on Aerobic Attached growth process.
In this process, Effluent containing high protein & fast bio-degrading organic waste is first hydrolyzed by EM* biomass in Anaerobic environment (mixture of microorganisms consisting mainly of lactic acid bacteria, purple bacteria, and yeasts which co-exist for the benefit of whichever environment they are introduced.)
The advantage of anaerobic pretreatment of wastewater is to enhance Hydrolyzed organic mass which increases resultant soluble COD, which enhance the effectiveness of oxidation process by microbes. This Process generates bio mass known are sludge.
The waste water is further treated by age old self sustainable wetland process to achieve most stringent discharge parameter set by CPCB. Wetland process is a complex process, in which it also reduces the BOD and generation of pathogen bacteria in water thus polishing the water.
Targeted BOD removal is to be achieved up to 93~95%. Therefore, the STP has been designed to ensure BOD removal of 20% in primary treatment (Settling Tank), and 85 % (Of the remaining) in the secondary treatment (Anaerobic up flow packed bed reactor). 90 % (Of the remaining) in polishing unit (wetland). With these efficiencies, the final treated effluent shall discharge BOD < 30 mg/l.
Effects :
Expected water quality ( for 5 KLD to 1 MLD STP)
PARAMETERS | Value | Target |
BOD, mg/l | 300 | <30 |
TSS, mg/l | <100 | <50 |